22 EXTRA unique value proposition examples
We all know that something very important in any business is the value creation here are some unique value proposition examples you can use to create yours.
First of all, I want to clarify that I am not going to talk about value creation from the economic business value point of view. Great thinkers like Michael Porter believe it is outdated, and doesn’t address social or customer needs. It only caters to the organization’s value needs.
This economic corporate value creation definition talks about the creation of value to the organization (working capital). This will return a larger profit to the stakeholders, increasing the potential value of the company.
I won’t talk much more about this value creation definition. It diffuses the real reason of a business, which is to solve a problem and provide a solution to its customers generating great social impact.
The real value added activities should not be aligned to what the organization value is, BUT to what the value given to the customer.
At the end of the day, the company will not exist if there isn’t a customer willing to pay for its products or services.
The real value is to give a solution to your customers’ problems and get them to understand FAST that you are going to solve their problem.
Here are my Top 5 companies that do this very well. Their economic value reflects it and they have a congruent messaging all over.
But Really, why is this important to start with?
When you are thinking to incorporate marketing automation into your business, the messaging is a key part that must be congruent all the way through from your website to all your emails in your marketing automation strategy.
5 Unique Value Proposition Examples
You can watch the video or simply read along:
Note: This is not in a particular order
Project Pie – Design, Build, Eat
Everyone can make, eat and buy the pizza that they want, but what if you are tired of the same old flavors? In Project Pie, you get to create your own. Yes, you take charge on what flavor, how it looks like, what the toppings are, and such. Decorate your own pizza.
It started when James Markham got sick of eating bad pizza. He set out to create a fast, casual, custom pizza restaurant. Result = Awesome! What did he do when he created this business? He solved a problem by creating value and letting people decide what they want.
Think Geek – Stuff for Smart Masses
Think Geek gives its users something extra by creating a community atmosphere in its store through quirks such as customer action shots and appreciation of cult items.
This is stuff that you don’t find everywhere, BUT where else would you find a Star Wars Light Up Chop Sabers?
They are unique in any sense, but what makes them really unique to their Geeky customers is the sense of community. Their customers can join, buy and earn Geek Points along the way.
Smirnoff Caipiroska
What makes this product unique is it packaging. You peel the packaging the way you peel oranges. The color of the package depends on the flavor.
No more to say judge for yourself. You might even want to try even if you don’t know the product.
However, you may even think they are not solving any problem. I thought the same, but look deeper… having a drink is an experience and they have enhanced that experience.
Toms – One for One Shoes
Toms is a footwear made of cloth that by itself is unique. However, in reality, what makes it unique and what adds value to its customers is that the value is not for them.
Yes, for each pair of shoes you buy, you get to donate a pair of shoes to those in need.
Toms has a heart to help the less fortunate people. If you check their website, it’s not only about shoes for the needy. you will see many CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects as well. They add value to the world in a deeper way.
Wine Library
The wine library is na online wine distributor. What is the value they create? They teach you about wine. They have a wine channel hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk. You might not know the guy, but he is one of the influencers of video content for “not related” video content business such as an online wine distributor.
Wine is about knowledge and experience. You don’t want to look like an idiot who doesn’t know anything about it, especially when your friends know or you take a girl out (or a boy if you are a girl). Anyway, they create value through content, so you will look like a smart guy/girl.
One more thing before we go. Value creation is imperative for any business and in this modern world, what matters is content. If you want to reach vast audiences, use the Internet to the fullest. Start creating content today! BUT before that, you need to understand what value are you creating for them and structure that content accordingly.
22 EXTRA unique value proposition examples