TSB17 – 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Fail Achieving Your Goals

by Jorge Gasca

On this Podcast Episode

  • How to remove negativity and start working towards your goals
  • How to kill fear and empower yourself
  • How to get momentum

Let’s get started…


Napoleon Hill said, 'A goal is a dream with a deadline.' #TSB #goals #napoleonhill #quote Share on X

Are you great at dreaming but not so great at realising your goals? Here are five most common reasons people fail to reach their goals.

The Goal Gets Away from You

The road to reaching any substantial goal is a long one. As your journey unfolds distractions will present themselves, tempting you from your chosen path.

To avoid unwanted detours, frequently remind yourself of your end-all goal. Repeatedly write it down if necessary.

When you find your motivation waning, don’t succumb to distractions. Instead, revisit your written goal, push through the lull and keep your nose to the grindstone.

Too Much, Too Soon

If you try to take on too many goals, chores or tasks at once, your resources will be spread too thin, and you will burn out.

If your biggest vice is ambition, make a large list of goals and take them on one at a time. When one is complete, you can move on to the next.

Choking on Negativity

Negativity may be the number one killer of any goal or dream. Focusing on the bad will poison your attitude and outlook.

Recognise and acknowledge the bad but do not dwell on it. Rediscover the good and move on.

Kill the Fear

If you’ve got a big goal you’re working toward, there’s a good chance it’s something you’ve never done before, and that can be terrifying. Don’t succumb to the fear. A good goal plan with actionable steps will help you overcome fear.

Take Action Today

Ultimately, most people fail because they never take action. Do at least one thing every day that brings you a step closer to your goal.


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Jorge Gasca

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About the Author

Marketing strategist and automation specialist with the mission of impacting lives one business at a time this by helping aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners clarify their vision and strategically automate their actions to attract high-paying, long-lasting clients.

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