TSB13 – Gamification for Stress Relief

by Jorge Gasca

On this podcast Episode

  • What is coming up for 2015 in the podcast
  • Why gamification can help you getting things done
  • Three gamification steps for relaxation, enjoyment and productivity


Gamification for Stress Relief


Some people find it relaxing to set priorities and get organised. It lets them take control over the future and create a pathway to achieving their goals.

The reason is simple we are all addicted to games

For others, it’s stressful. After all, what could be more stress-inducing than creating a list of things to do?

1. Develop a way of getting organised that doesn’t induce stress set aside a specific time every day to set setting priorities and reviewing progress. Set choose a time when you tend to naturally feel relaxed. Try and set a time limit, give yourself ten minutes and don’t let it drag on beyond that.

2. Gamify organisation to take the stress out of it.
Make games out of routine tasks. Some large companies use gamification to keep their employees creatively motivated and de-stressed. Imagine your schedule as a giant Tetris game.

How will you fit each task into the board?


Gamification to improve our world: Yu-kai Chou at TEDxLausanne


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3. Use MindMaps: Plan your work schedule using a chart or a mind map, make it fun and colourful.


Remember, at the end of the day, getting organised reduces stress. In the long run, you’ll find that if you’re more organised, day to day stresses will simply disappear.


Tools Mentioned in the Podcast


 How would you use gamification in your business?

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Jorge Gasca

Follow me here

About the Author

Marketing strategist and automation specialist with the mission of impacting lives one business at a time this by helping aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners clarify their vision and strategically automate their actions to attract high-paying, long-lasting clients.

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